Jeffry B. Stock

Jeffry B. Stock
Jeffry B. Stock is a leading expert in signal transduction and global cellular regulation with over 150 original scientific articles in this and related areas. He is best known for his seminal work on membrane receptor function and signal transduction in micro-organisms. As a graduate student at Johns Hopkins in the early 70s he played a key role in elucidating the chemiosmotic relationships and bioenergetics of active transport and membrane receptor function in bacteria. As a postdoctoral fellow at Berkeley and later as a Professor and independent investigator at Princeton, Dr. Stock has made numerous contributions toward understanding the molecular mechanism of sensory-motor regulation in prokaryotes. He was the first to elucidate the so-called two-component phosphorelay biochemistry that underlies sensory-motor regulation in specific, and serves generally to regulate bacterial responses to changing environmental conditions.
Although for most of his career Dr Stock’s research has focused on the basic biochemistry and molecular biology of cellular regulation; for the past decade he has been increasingly involved in translational research to apply the lessons derived from basic research to drug discovery and the development of useful therapeutics. Toward this end, Dr. Stock has founded several biotech startups including most recently the Signum Biosciences Group, for which he serves as Chairman. These efforts have lead to the development of topical anti-inflammatories for dermatological applications, as well as a novel systemic approach for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Dr. Stock has received numerous honors. He is an elected fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a winner of the Humboldt Prize. He serves on the Centers Review Committee for the National Institute of Drug Abuse.